A Sound story
by Francisco Cuadrado

“El día en el que los pájaros aprendieron un nuevo cantar” (The day the birds learned a new song“) is a sound creative project, somewhat experimental and very personal. The idea came up during the confinement, as part of a creative challenge among the members of the theater association “Tomateatro”: each of us should create, using any form of artistic expression, something that somehow reflected how we were living the confinement, if possible with a positive approach.
This was my proposal: “The day the birds learned a new song.” A bet that is experienced differently than how we are used to it, which has allowed me to tell a story from a distinct “listening perspective”, and at the same time explore all the Ambisonic sound possibilities. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have done during the entire creative process.
Oh, it goes without saying that it is mandatory to listen to it with headphones, the best ones that you can find!